Kate Ramos

Getting to know the artist. Her views, insights and ideas.

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Name: Kate Ramos
Location: Angus, Ontario, Canada

I have lived in Ontario most of my life. I am a nature lover, who canoes into the Canadian wilderness annually. I have spent hundreds of hours canoeing and camping into remote areas. I use a camera to capture images and impressions for my paintings. I am a self-taught artist, with formal training in graphic arts. My hope is to give people the love I feel for nature, when viewing my images. I like to say a little piece of myself goes into each of my paintings.

Friday, January 30, 2009

BaySide Artists

I have been working on making a website for the marketing group I've joined. It took about two weeks to complete. It is now up and running and can be seen at http://baysideartists.com/ . We are having a launch at Painters Hall in Barrie, Ontario during the month of March. Other dates for shows will be added as they are arranged. Here is one of my newest pieces.


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